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Have you looked at the prices for that Punk & Post-Punk journal? (http://www.intellectbooks.co.uk/journals/view-Journal,id=200/view,page=1/) How can an online-only subscription possibly cost that much more than a print subscription?
Do they think they establish punk cred by ignoring the concept of marginal cost?

Paul Tepper

This doesn't answer the questions but you can ask the same ones for so many other niche fields, esp. with respect to broader social relevance. Though they do tend you make you answer these sorts of questions when you apply for grants.

Josh Winslow

Do you think the same thing about the music from the Roman Republic or medieval India? Tracing the progression of punk while most of the principles are still alive allows future historians to get at information that they wouldn't otherwise be able to access.


I thought it wasn't the fortitude deficit but the inability to knot a bow-tie that was at the root of it.

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