Having dealt with this FBI Islamophobia shit for weeks now, it was pretty dispiriting to read Frank Miller's long-awaited Holy Terror comic. The backstory: Miller has, for years, been working on a superhero comic about avenging 9/11 -- originally it was to star Batman -- that devolved into a screed against Islam. And this wasn't from some marginal creator, it's from one of the greatest geniuses in comic-book history. (Ronin, Sin City, The Dark Knight Returns, 300, Daredevil "Born Again," etc.)
So I did what I had to do, over at WIRED's Underwire blog. A sample:
It’s no accident that [Holy Terror is] being released ten years after 9/11. This comic would be unthinkable during the unity that the U.S. felt after the attack.
Instead, it’s a perfect cultural artifact of this dark period in American life, when the FBI teaches its agents that “mainstream” Islam is indistinguishable from terrorism and a community center near Ground Zero gets labeled a “victory mosque.” Call it the artwork of 9/11 decadence, when all that remains of a horror is a carefully nurtured grievance.
And with that, I'm taking off for Rosh Hashanah. L'Shana Tova to all my tribespeople.
Well, 300 was Persophobic (as I recall, the Persian hordes were faceless and inhuman), so maybe it's not much of a leap from that to Islamophobia--at least for someone who knows nothing about Southwest Asian history.
Posted by: Skye Winspur | 09/28/2011 at 03:48 PM
Ezra Klein changed his piece. Can you tell the difference?
Posted by: D | 09/29/2011 at 09:44 AM
Don't know what is wrong what is rite but i know that every one has there own point of view and same goes to this one
Posted by: mulberry bags uk | 12/25/2011 at 02:03 AM