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Skye Winspur

"To the degree you are a good Christian, as defined by rigorously following and promoting the entirety of the Bible (with Christianity lacking as it does any centralized institution to contextualize those 1900+ year-old scriptures in a 21st Century world, what other definition could there be?) it becomes increasingly difficult to be a good citizen."


Extremely well put. I'm still in awe of how many people just don't understand this issue.

Jim Thompson

Personally, I have never met an entire category of people who were homogeneous and like minded, equally guilty of collective crimes, and justifiable and properly judged as a category. It is this kind of thinking that creates injustice and serves only to perpetuate the dillusion that one party is justified, more qualified and right to hold sway and authority over another and squash their right to opportunity.

Is the military homogeneous? Are Catholics homongeneous? Are Zionists homogeneous? Why did the Apiscopal Church factionalize? Why do we have both Hamas and Hezbu 'Allah?

This is lazy thinking, and I am startled and disappointed with the FBI and with the writer. "To the degree you are a good Muslim ... it becomes increasingly difficult to be a good citizen." This makes me think about a statement credited to Abraham Lincoln, “I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.”

I do not stand with this author, nor his fear.

A proposition must be true in all its assumption in order to be valid. If not, then it is flawed and may be not better than a statement of value.

Doctor Memory

"To the degree you are a good Muslim, as defined by rigorously following and promoting the entirety of the Koran (with Islam lacking as it does any centralized institution to contextualize those 7th Century scriptures in a 21st Century world, what other definition could there be?) it becomes increasingly difficult to be a good citizen."

O RLY? So uh, I seem to recall there's this other major monotheistic religion that also has a somewhat musty and bloodthirsty central text and that also lacks a central authority to interpret it. How'd they do with that whole democracy thing, anyway?

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