Janaza is a solo project by a woman in Iraq. It's anti-Islamic black metal. The song below is called "Burn The Pages of the Qu'ran." Leon Panetta recently said there are still a thousand al-Qaeda members in Iraq. And this woman unleashes... this. Naturally my very un-black-metal liberalism disapproves of messages of intolerance for anyone's religion. But to anyone who's read Lords of Chaos -- which should be all of you -- it's a giant leap forward for black metal. The soi disant anti-Christianity is easy to do in Scandinavia, England and America. No one will kill you for your dumb-ass corpsepaint. That's why Varg Vikernes is a coward and a thug for burning Norway's churches. Anti-Islamic messages from a woman in Iraq is quite a different story.
Watch this message get picked up by such reknowned black metal fans as Geert Wilders and his amen corner of Islamophobic bigots. I just hope she stays safe.
Update, 1:10 p.m.: Good point from my dear friend Kriston Capps -- recent experience has taught us not to be too credulous about who's not secretly a white dude on the Intenet.