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Ayup ... and where is the Republican National Committee? Haven't they offered him first crack at the nomination yet? Why not? It's not like Sarah Palin could take it away from him. ;-)


Znmeb: first, Petraeus has given an almost Shermanesque denial of political ambition; second, he ain't a Republican. From what I can see, he's a Dem like the rest of hid protégés at CNAS.

Doctor Memory

It's not a bad plan. Of course, it's predicated on hoping that the majority of the American public has forgotten that Petraeus was supposed to bring the Magic Surge Pixie Dust to Afghanistan and wrap shit up there tut suite. How'd that work out, anyway?

Mike D.

It's a nifty theory but I don't think it actually makes sense on its terms. What's in this for Petraeus unless he wanted this job or was convinced he really is needed in it? I feel like someone somewhere, possibly Petraeus, must have lobbied for this for some substantive reason. I think this because I take both P4 and POTUS to be serious people, and I just can't the the conversation happening wherein Obama looks P4 in the eye and tells him, "I need you at Langley, General. Your country needs you to direct the civilian intel service. No one else; it has to be you" ...when in fact the reasoning is entirely cynical and political. Many people will disagree with me about this, but I didn't think Spencer would be one. You could cut the bullshit in that room with a butter knife, and neither of these dudes would be unaware of it. Unless a good substantive case had been floated by the Admin to the general, or unless he independently believed he should be in the job I can't even see him viewing his responsibility to serve as ordered to extend to participating in an obvious exercise in crass movemaking in service of Obama's narrow political interests. If he doesn't want that job, what's in it for him? He has to retire from the organization he loves & rules in order to do it. And it was him who pretty much saved O's ass in Afghanistan after McChrystalgate; this is supposed to be payback to him, not payback to the president for accepting a demotion.


The positive spin: Petraeus has taken the job because he understands that the base for any COIN is intel, and the US intel both in Iraq and in Af/Pak has been horrible. Hes there to fix it, not own it.

Negative spin: DoD just took over CIA, and militarized it back to the good old OSS days. Its now a military branch.

Bob @ security guard training

Quoting "Jadakiss"... that's priceless

Runtime error

Thanks for sharing!

mother's day wallpaper

Petraeus has taken the job because he understands that the base for any COIN is intel, and the US intel both in Iraq and in Af/Pak has been horrible. Hes there to fix it, not own it.

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